The Market Line

Lower East Side, NYC
BFC, Taconic & L&M

Weaving into the Fabric of the LES

CO OP was asked to create a vision for what the Lower East Side could become to unify a consortium of 3 developers and 2 architects bidding to develop the 2nd largest project in NYC. From naming to activation Essex Crossing mapped out an ambitious all-inclusive place that would become the antidote to Hudson Yard. At the heart of the development is the The Market Line central artery. A continuous three-block shopping corridor within the development. It’s home to an eclectic mix of local stores and restaurants already established in the LES. We needed to develop a brand that engaged and inspired the local community and set a platform for future development. We needed to fit in seamlessly with locals, while also offering an elevated experience for new audiences to discover Manhattan’s Lower East Side.

An Identity That Feels Like Home

Being accepted as part of the LES was key to the development’s success. We needed to speak the locals language while creatively drawing attention to the new Market Line. We kicked this off by designing a functional but dynamic visual identity that literally outlined the LES boundary with a pulsating epicenter at its heart.

How Do You LES?

In order to truly understand the immense pride and spirit of the neighborhood, we had to get below the surface and receive unfiltered, honest feedback from the LES residents themselves. So we designed, programmed and managed a block party and festival celebrating all of the local businesses and patrons within the community. There was one simple question we asked them. “How Do You LES?” This generated video content for an eventual marketing campaign and became a powerful mouthpiece for the development.

How We Made The Market Line Work

Market research
Brand Strategy
Digital Strategy
Verbal Identity
Visual Identity
Brand Campaign
Brand and Digital Activation
Advertising – Digital/Print
Brand Activation
Web Design and Development
Print and Collateral Design
Brand Film
Asset Creation (photography-video)
Brand Standards

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