Aperture Del Mar

San Diego, CA
Gemdale USA

Life Science Expansion

Gemdale USA acquired the Aperture Del Mar project to expand their expertise into the San Diego life sciences real estate market. The campus boasts a location like none other in the North County. It sits outside the traditional biotech center but is connected to the entire area. It will be the most amenitized campus in Southern California. This doesn’t count the natural amenities already surrounding the campus. CO OP was brought on to reenergize the existing brand, reframe the story, and discover the audiences for this exciting project.

People-First Discovery

We discovered three dynamic persona types, each of which have a distinct place in San Diego life sciences. We then crafted the brand story and identity to align with each of these audiences, to inspire them and to show each what Aperture can provide. The new brand identity is based on the interactive and communal elements to be found on the campus. The new story reframes the location as a statement to employees, the area, and the entire market. By taking Aperture as a corporate home, companies will show stability and strength. They will also be making a human decision. It’s the most advantageous place to work in the entire county.

The Statement Campus

We created innovative and traditional media to communicate the brand’s vibrant message. From marketing center installations to websites, CO OP prepared Aperture for its big relaunch. Life science companies will see the Aperture brand aligning with their own. This alignment and resonance signals the priority to businesses and their most valuable asset: people. Here, in North San Diego County, is a place where people can reach greater heights.

How We Made Aperture Work

Brand Naming
Digital Strategy
Verbal Identity
Visual Identity
Brand Campaign
Web Design & Development
Broker Engagement

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