
Washington, DC
MRP Realty

One Among Many

Several developers were competing and cooperating to create Buzzard Point, Washington DC’s newest neighborhood. The concept was to transform the under-utilized waterfront into a thriving community, adjacent to two sports stadiums. MRP, an experienced DC residential developer, hired CO OP to create a brand that elevated their vision. Rather than copycat other waterfront neighborhoods around the world, CO OP’s inspiration was driven by other cool and culture-rich DC neighborhoods like Shaw, NoMa, and the nearby Navy Yard. The idea – let’s find our uniqueness here at Buzzard Point while complementing the DC environment.

“Real Aliveness”

Our competitors were all leaning into the obvious and the same: water, water, water. We looked for a more neighborhood–defining reason to move to the area. The two nearby stadiums, the Nats baseball team and D.C. United soccer team, was a major component in this emerging peninsula. Rather than ignore the obvious, we embraced the stadiums and the energy that their teams will bring to the neighborhood. Additionally, our research provided valuable insights from our millennial audience’s values; an emphasis on experiences. As a result the community would embody “being alive and in-the-moment.” Enter ‘Verge,’ a brand for progressive minded people who have something to say.

For Those Who Believe!

We knew Verge had the potential for difference.  It screamed out to forward-thinking residents tired of the status quo, with an appetite for a meaningful life. As such, we created a brand campaign called,  ‘For Those Who Believe,’ a rally cry for people who demand real substance and creativity. Our campaign curated 12 local ‘believers’ from varying professions, ethnicities and cultural interests. Their collective voices made for one vibrant brand – Verge. On the Edge of Urban Living.

How We Made Verge Work

Brand Strategy
Verbal Identity
Visual Identity
Brand Campaign
Brand Activation
Brand Film
Pop-Up Leasing Center
Brand Merchandise
Wayfinding & Signage
Communication & Social Media Strategy

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