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High Real Estate

Lancaster, Pennsylvania 
High Real Estate Group LLC

Re-introducing 60 years of success

Building on the successful rebranding of the Greenfield Corporate Center in Lancaster, PA, CO OP was asked to address a bigger project: re-introduce the High Real Estate Group to all its constituencies. Our brand challenge was to bring to life the unique human values and philosophy of this family-led company; rooted in respect, innovation, and creating enduring human value. We needed to find a unique expression that balanced tradition with innovation, and corporate scale with human intimacy.

Conveying a unique Humanity

As its business has grown, High Real Estate has diversified its asset classes, geographies, and offerings. Communication was needed to serve the multiple needs of these audiences. We needed to give the brand clarity and focus.  High pride themselves on the higher purpose that everyone in the company represents. We leveraged that humanity and commitment to communicate how that creates value across all audiences.

Innovation in service of people

In the face of communication complexity, we needed to create a smart solution: Leveraging innovative technology to provide a simple experience for each audience. To do this, we created five different dynamic websites built on a single CMS. This backend CMS allowed for updatable pieces of information to populate the right parts of these websites. This allows each audience to have their own intuitive and seamless experience, avoiding irrelevant content. These websites allowed each High team to manage, update, and grow into the future.

How We Made
High Real Estate

Brand Strategy
Digital Strategy
Verbal Identity
Brand Design
Digital Design


years old


raised to pivot to an AI audience company


monthly sales growth post rebrand


extra staff

CO OPerate With Us.

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