Urban Visions

Seattle, WA
Urban Visions

Owner Led Into Collective Led

Committed to urban renewal and sustainable practices, Urban Visions found themselves at a pivotal moment after the launch of their carbon neutral office tower, The Net. While recognized for their innovative development approach, a long corporate heritage and a hyper-focused commitment to Seattle, there were external misperceptions around UV’s future business path. The brand was synonymous with Greg Smith, the company’s founder and CEO. But the Seattle community pondered UV’s future beyond Greg. But with UV’s strong leadership team and future planning, our brand challenge was to transform Urban Visions from an owner-led brand to a collective-led brand.

Why Build A Landmark When You Can Build A Legacy

The evolution of the brand started with a deep understanding of UV’s unique senior leadership. With different approaches, perspectives, and personalities, this team unified around a single purpose – pushing the collective to bring new and different thinking to life for every development. At the heart of the organization is the vision to see opportunities others can’t – creating a better future and community for all. Our new brand and marketing tools embody this purpose and vision by bringing a clarity and future focus to the organization, while establishing a clear differentiated long-term vision for the company and the Seattle community.

Strong Roots, Tall Trees

The new brand identity visually and powerfully expresses the UV vision while its new brand voice replaced vague and generic expressions with a clear and direct business mission for the company and Seattle. The brand launched in Summer 2023.

How We Made Urban Visions Work

Brand Strategy
Verbal Identity
Visual Identity
Corporate Presentation

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